About Us

Homeownership is one of the main life goals of many people, and whilst an incredibly exciting time it is to purchase a home it can also be daunting too. This is why we encourage you to entrust Sovereign Properties to guide, support and help you along your journey whether buying or selling a property. Thousands of South Africans become homeowners every year, so why should you be any different? Working with Sovereign Property you will be afforded the right advice and knowledge so that owning your own home no longer needs to stay a dream. Powered by ZAPROP - Sovereign Property Group has a strong team of passionate property specialists backed by a solid infrastructure of programming and software support ensuring a seamless process of buying or selling your home from beginning to end. With your best interests at heart we ensure that through our sovereign approach you will get the better deal!

Our name, Sovereign Property Group is at the cornerstone of all that we do. We are effective, efficient, transparent and trustworthy for the benefit of all everyone involved. Qualified, passionate and dedicated property specialists who truly put your property dreams at the centre of all that we do. Proudly South African yet fresh, trendy and tech savvy. All Real Estate Agencies market a common product we define this by providing uncommonly good, sovereign service. It's time to make the better choice, that's why you should be making use of us!